next ride ride

next ride: # 586

A final reminder that ride #586 is next SundayJune 19

We start, as always, at 10am sharp.

We are starting from the end of Jalan Lam Sam – familiar territory to old-timers but likely new to many.  New to all will be some fresh-cut trails. 

This will be a fast, flowing ride over mostly open terrain – bring those XC race bikes!

The On On venue will be advised in due course, but is nearby.

photos previous ride ride

ride # 585 – images

the bike hash back in action, lot’s of smiles and plenty of evidence that the social part was fun 🙂

news next ride ride

next ride: # 585

Our next ride is this Sunday 22 May 2022 (10am sharp as usual). 

We are departing from Watten Heights Playground and the On On will be at Peperoni

All guests are welcome and there is no need to opt-in or even wear a mask – how good is that?!

This will be a great ride on interesting, beautiful terrain – don’t miss it.

AGM news


AGM successfully concluded on 24.04.2022

Congratulations to all re-elected Committee Members and a a very special hooray to the newly elected Grand Mistress and Grand Master!

Minutes are attached

news photos ride

ride # 584 – images

news parafernalia

moving on

My last bike hash (for now…), November 2021

I found the BikeHashSingapore, as its now called (back then it was “the Singapore Bike Hash”), via a websrarch in late 2012 or early 2013 and joined the rides (more or less regularly) ever since then.

To cut a long story short:

the bike hash is the best way to explore Singapore ‘off the beaten tracks’

webmaster S.N.

I got to meet and to know interesting people, learned a lot about bike equipment, maintenance and repair, got regularly stuck in mud, flew over the handlebars a few times, lost orientation and missed the pack more often than I thought would be possible.

The video below is a truncated testimony of the ride I joined in November 2021, shortly before leaving the Lion City after spending almost 16 years here.

Are you curious to explore Singapore like very few others do?

Simply sign up as a member or join the hash as a guest. The schedule, pardon me, the “hare-line” as it is properly called in hash-language, can be found here.

Want to join right away, then head over here.

photos previous ride

flash-back: images, video & report

ride # 550 25 November 2018

the YouTube experience

the picture experience

the reading experience

access the ride report here.



Next AGM will be 24.04.2022 (as previously communicated to members via EMail).

Agenda and accounts are embedded below:

members: arrive at 09:45 for the AGM – thank you!!


Notice of AGM

pencil the 24.04.2022 into your agenda for the next AGM. Invites and other pertinent matters will arrive in due course!

next ride

Ride #584 is coming!

we’re scheduled for a ride on 24.04.2022. Stay tuned for details!!